‘Masters of Australian Photojournalism’ is Geelong’s must-see exhibition of Australia’s best press photographers

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‘Masters of Australian Photojournalism’ is Geelong’s must-see exhibition of Australia’s best press photographers

Water Babies. This photo was part of the folio that won Alex Coppel his second Press Photographer of the Year Award in 2021.

The exhibition is in its final weeks.

Cementing its place as the city’s hub for both analogue and digital photography, Focal Point Studio, Darkroom and Gallery is currently hosting its third Masters of Australian Photojournalism exhibition.

The exhibition features more than 130 photos from eight of Australia’s best press photographers, with many famous and award-winning photos. A must-see exhibition for anyone with an interest in sport, news, portraiture and current affairs photography.

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Photographers included in the exhibition includes Nicole Cleary, Mark Griffin, Alex Coppel, and Jay Town, whose photo of Raphael Nadal serving at the Australian Open in 2021 won the Sport Australia Award for best sporting picture, a silver medal in the World Sports Photography Awards and runner-up in the Sony Awards.

Hailed as one of Focal Point’s best exhibitions ever, viewers will find many famous and award-winning photos, and all of the photographers have won awards for their work on display.

Most of the photos are for sale, giving you the chance to grab a truly unique piece of Australian history, or to find a portrait of that famous personality you may have been looking for, perfect timing for Christmas!

If you can’t get to the gallery, you can still view and purchase most of the photos in the exhibition through the website here.

Masters of Australian Photojournalism runs until December 4 at Focal Point Studio, Darkroom and Gallery in North Geelong.