Those behind Beyond The Valley and Novel are bringing us a brand new music festival: Pitch Music & Arts Festival.
Taking place on March 10-13, 2017, the creators have promised the 3-day all-ages festival will welcome those from all walks of life.
With a ‘meticulously curated line-up’, a harrassment-free policy, children’s programs and glamping options, this all-inclusive music festival is sure to be popular.
“[Pitch] will feature a meticulously curated lineup of neoteric live and electronic music acts. The festival aesthetics will be a contemporary arts-based exercise working in perfect synergy with the music: visually stimulating offerings that are set to regenerate those that are society spent.”
Whilst no exact location for the festival has been announced, all we know is that it will be situated in the “mild meadows amongst the blue gum” and “mellow mirage amongst the hidden highlands”. Sit tight – all will be revealed early October.
For more information please visit the website.
Written by Tayla Haigh