Oxygen College’s Rising Star, Isabella Khalife

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Oxygen College’s Rising Star, Isabella Khalife

Performing professionally for around three to four years, Khalife is armed with an acoustic guitar, a loop pedal, and from what she has been told, very pure and unique sounding vocals.

Hello, please introduce yourself and give us a brief background into your music?

I am a solo musician local to Geelong performing under my full name, Isabella Khalife. I’ve been performing professionally for around three to four years, armed with an acoustic guitar, a loop pedal, and from what I’ve been told, very pure and unique sounding vocals.

How would you describe your style?

I would probably describe my style/sound as emotive, acoustic pop with elements of RnB.

Growing up what were your musical influences and what bands did you listen to?

Through early childhood, Avril Lavigne was a favourite. She had some influence on my songwriting style. Through high school, it was artists such as Ed Sheeran, Passenger and Green Day.

What sort of music and bands are you listening to at the moment?

I like to keep inspired by listening to Ed or Passenger in terms of songwriting. Jessie J’s powerful pop music has this ability to make you feel empowered and Childish Gambino’s talent of hip-hop fascinates me as I love hip-hop/RnB.

You are currently studying at Oxygen College, please give us an insight into what the course is like and how it is helping you with your musical journey?

We’ve had the chance to work in recording studios, make new contacts, improve stagecraft skills and build up our understanding of the music business, amongst other things. As an independent solo musician, these things have been incredibly important to learn and improve to be the best artist possible.

You are currently working on an EP and film clip, please tell us about how that project is coming together?

The EP recording took place at the college. We completed it in four days, and now waiting for the tracks to be mixed and mastered. The film clip will be for the track that I have chosen to be released as a single later this year.

How have you found the process of writing and recording the EP?

Songwriting was a bit of a struggle, but ended up with four tracks that I was very pleased with. Recording was a fun process for me, despite the long hours.

If you could collaborate with one artist, dead or alive, who would it be?

Ed Sheeran.

What are your plans with your music over the next couple of years?

Hopefully write a mass amount of music and record more EPs. I’m still finding my sound, so I hope to find that through songwriting. I would also love to tour the UK and collaborate with other musicians.

Finish the sentence.. ‘If all my dreams were to come true with my music, in 10 years time I would be…..’

Still doing what I’m doing now; creating music and inspiring others to achieve their dreams – hopefully around the world.

You can find Isabella on Facebook.