Five other uses for hot x buns

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Five other uses for hot x buns

It’s only days until Good Friday and the Easter weekend. Which means, there’s only a few days left for you to pick up a delicious hot x bun and get them in storage. Once the holiday season is over, here are a few ways for you to still make use of your hot x bun stash.

Give them a French twist.
If you thought French toast was only for sliced bread, you were wrong. Slice up your hot x buns and dunk them in some egg (mixed in with cream for extra richness) and fry them up with butter. Serve with some fruit, maple syrup and your leftover chocolate eggs and you’re onto a winner.

Let them go.
No not in the bin. The best thing you can do is passing them on to others who mightn’t have had the chance to enjoy their Easter break. Look for food donations in your local area, The Outpost in Geelong is a good stop but any Salvation Army or Red Cross should be able to assist.

Make a pudding.
Okay, so hot x buns aren’t exactly health and neither is this suggestion. A bun and butter pudding (a twist on the bread and butter classic) is easy enough to make. Heat some milk and cream together, then add in some egg and vanilla flavouring and rest the buns (sliced into halves) in the mixture and soak for several hours. Whack them in the over and until golden and slightly crispy and you’re good to go. For actual measurements Google ‘bun butter pudding’ and you’ll be sure to find one.

Keep them. Perhaps the most obvious solution. Keep those bad boys ticking over in the freezer until it’s an acceptable time to bring them out again. We’d say September sounds pretty good, don’t you think?

Add chocolate. Why not add more chocolate to an already pretty chocolate-y holiday? Slice the buns in half, spread with butter and Nutella and put them in a sandwhich press and before you know it you’ve got the quickest (and incredibly unhealthy) use for your leftover hot x buns.

If you haven’t managed to pick up any hot x buns yet, locally these bakeries are dishing up the bread treats most days; Born and Bread Bakehouse, La Madre Bakery and Pane di Matteo. They are also supplying various cafes around town and the region.