Sisters in Strength bring Strongwoman workshop to Geelong, celebrating strength and resilience of women in the community

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Sisters in Strength bring Strongwoman workshop to Geelong, celebrating strength and resilience of women in the community

Sisters in Strength Australia are building an inspiring and empowering community of women who are Stronger Together.

Sisters In Strength Australia lead coaches and founders, Kerryn Taylor and Mariko Whyte, are bringing their sixth Sisters in Strength Workshop to Strong Geelong this month, on Sunday 7 May 2023.

As seen in the recent ABC iView & ABC TV’s Strong Women documentary, Sisters In Strength Australia is a community initiative dedicated to inspiring and empowering women of all ages to find inner strength and confidence. They challenge the status quo of female stereotypes by teaching women what it is to be strong, both mentally and physically.

Stay up to date with what’s happening in and around the region here.

The Sisters in Strength Workshop, led by Taylor and Whyte, offers the opportunity to explore the physical and mental aspects of strength sports in a workshop that promises to be both informative and transformative.

Workshop attendees will learn practical strategies for building confidence, developing resilience, and achieving their goals. The workshop will include interactive Strongwoman exercises, group discussions and sessions with Australia’s top Strongwoman athletes.

“This workshop is an incredible opportunity for women in Geelong to come together and support each other,” Kerryn Taylor said.

“Mariko and I are passionate about empowering women, and we are excited to share our knowledge and experience with the attendees.

“We want women to leave the workshop feeling empowered and inspired,” Mariko Whyte said. “Our goal is to help them to develop the confidence and resilience they need to thrive in all areas of their lives.”

Taylor and Whyte are leading Strongwoman athletes and trainers. Both have helped countless women to overcome personal challenges and achieve their goals. Taylor is known for her warm, supportive approach, and her ability to inspire women to be their best selves. Whyte is an advocate for women’s physical and mental health and has a great passion for helping others discover their inner strength and self-belief.

The Sisters In Strength Australia workshop in Geelong promises to be a powerful and transformative experience for all attendees.

Tickets are available via Eventbrite.