With so many albums released nowadays that feature groaning guitar riffs begging for attention, it’s nice to come across an album that’s just an easy listen. Humdrum Star doesn’t show off or claw for your attention; it simply gains it through merit.
The 11-track release features intricate string plays, harmonising vocals and awe-inspiring soundscapes. Opener ‘Golden Archers’ uses building string layers and soothing vocals to create a feeling of euphoria; which, mind you, was by no means accidental. ‘Colours’ is vocally beautiful, but with a surprising edge that the previous songs lacked. And ‘Try Your Luck’ uses funk synths reminiscent of something you’d hear in an ’80s pop song. Halfway into Humdrum Star, it’s already clear how widespread their inspiration has been this time around.
At times when a song starts you get the feeling of déjà vu while listening to Humdrum Star. While some intros may sound similar, it’s just a matter of the band’s perfected style – and when they get it so right, is there really anything wrong with mimicking something that’s successful?
While there are still a few aural kinks to iron out – at times the vocals can coerce you into a hypnotic state – Humdrum Star is still a great representation of the extreme talent that Mosman Alder possess.
By Amanda Sherring