
Subscribe to Forte Magazine


Issue 736

Words by Talia Rinaldo

Editorial Note

Regional Victoria, we made it. For the past two years, you’ve all stuck by us from the palm of your hand, where fortemag.com.au shared stories from underrated community heroes, nostalgia-filled listicles and entertaining tidbits, keeping us sane, occupied and most importantly, distracted. We don’t need to go into why. You know why. We all know exactly why.

But now we’re back. From the friendly little corner resting cafe to your favourite live music venue and the region’s most iconic pubs, we’re back on the streets where we belong.

With our frankly historic shift back to the streets, we’ve also had a facelift, refreshing the way we tell you all about the latest and greatest things to do across regional Victoria. Rest assured though, that everything you know and love about Forte remains the same, with pages jam-packed with music, art, entertainment, food, local business and ads to help bolster your bucket lists.

Excited? You should be. This brand-new issue is chocka-block with a day on the green’s coup in bringing global superstar Sting to Mt Duneed, UK indie-pop mainstays The Kooks, punk rock stars Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers, metalcore titans Parkway Drive and a new festival from Falls Festival founder Simon Daly. We’ve got the usual spread of reviews and gigs to get to, and we’ll also take a long look at White Night and dive into the colourful whimsical world of local artist Sinikka Paints.

Damn, it feels good to be back.