Adamo di Biase is a familiar name and face in Geelong, partly due to his work as owner and hairdresser at Hot House studio and his appearance at a number of musical/theatrical outings. Adamo is set to become a lot more familiar with his series of cabaret shows titled, The Bliss Point.
The last one is scheduled for tonight (Saturday, November 19) and features Adamo as he tells the story of his search for the “bliss point”. We’ve all been there, looking for our happy place in life, parties, alternative therapies, in the bedroom, and hopefully after the show Adamo will be able to answer a few of your questions.
As for talent, Adamo may be focused on hair during the week but he plans to further his performance studies in America in the coming months, adding to the wealth of acting, dancing and singing experiences he has already had.
It all goes down at Hot House at 377 Pakington Street, Newtown, find out more via the Facebook page. Tickets are $20 with the bar opening at 7.30pm and show at 9pm.
Image from Hot House socials.