It’s time to awaken your own inner armchair detective, the Geelong Arts Centre are calling on the public to help track down the artist’s behind two unknown mystery paintings.
The two paintings have adorned the centre walls for years, and now as the arts institution approaches the new phase of their major redevelopment, the team are fiercely trying to credit the artist/s behind them.
If you’ve ever been to an exhibition or a gallery of any kind, you will know that every piece of art tells a story, often leaving the viewer to imagine the narrative or even invent their own story. While there’s certainly fun in that, the Arts Centre want to discover their origin with the impending farewell of these walls for which they’ve been displayed for many years.
With art and community, growth in activity, innovation, outstanding spaces and people at its heart, the Geelong Arts Centre has always been a frontrunner in celebrating regional Victoria’s vibrant heritage through art and history. Uncovering the story behind these works will most certainly see the centre continue to do both.
It’s not your classic “whodunit” type of scenario but it’s definitely a mystery. If you have any inklings as to whom the unidentified artists could be, let the Geelong Arts Centre know. Alternatively, we can pass the message along if you don’t want to contact direct!
You can find more details at geelongartscentre.org.au later today.