Client Liason Launch Their Own Flavour of Gelati

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Client Liason Launch Their Own Flavour of Gelati

In celebration of Pidapipó Windsor opening its doors to serve hand-crafted gelati to the masses, Client Liason have developed their own flavour of gelati to serve in-store. Aptly titled Gelato Liason, the limited edition Bush Wattle & Macadamia flavour is inspired by Australiana and experimentation.

Client Liason – the electronic pop duo fronted by Harvey Miller and Monte Morgan – will be scooping up the new flavour themselves at the Pidapipó launch.

“We’re excited to expand our brand into the food sector,” said Miller. “Customers can expect a native Australian flavour, with Gelato Liaison being the perfect taste of what you have grown to expect with Client Liaison’s past and future releases – international in flavour, cosmopolitan in style – this is Client Liaison.”

Pidapipó Windsor will open on Thursday April 7 on 85 Chapel Street, Windsor.