The ultimate Mario Kart 64 Tournament is back at Ms Bartronica

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The ultimate Mario Kart 64 Tournament is back at Ms Bartronica

Titled ‘The Ultimate Ms Bartronica Tournament’, the Mario Kart 64 event is BACK!

Who doesn’t want to take a trip back to the ’90s, to revisit the game that was the bomb-dot-com of our childhood?

With prizes of liquid gold up for grabs, your well-honed Mario Kart 64 skills will be back before you know it – and when I say liquid gold, I obviously mean BEER! The winner will receive a $70 bar tab to celebrate their victorious win.

Ms Bartronica welcomes groups, as well as BYO controllers. Entry is $10, which is inclusive of a pint of beer or cider of your choice. It all goes down  this Thursday, May 25 from 7.30pm. See the Facebook event page here.

Written by Helena Metzke.