The In8 Life: How going to a chiropractor changed my outlook on health – Part III

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The In8 Life: How going to a chiropractor changed my outlook on health – Part III

It’s been more than six weeks since my last review and between two adjustments a week, some illness and a quick two week trip overseas – I’ve completed phase one of my health plan at the In8 Life. So, what happened?

As noted in my last piece (moons ago) due to the several sublaxations down my spine and my high stress rate, it was recommended that I return twice a week for six weeks to have quick adjustments that would begin the process of re-calibrating my central nervous system and put me on a path to optimum health.

Before we get into that, I do need to say how easy and seamlessly fitting those appointments into my life were. Pretty quickly I found myself looking forward to going and the vibe of the place is genuinely so chill and friendly that I feel really comfortable.

Now, are the adjustments all the same? Not necessarily. Whilst the positions are the same, always ending with the neck (still getting used to that one) I did notice throughout my journey that if I was feeling particularly tense or distracted with the stresses of the day, it was increasingly harder for Dr. Sam to adjust me. I suppose it’s a good lesson to be present in the moment and really take your time to breathe into the adjustments because that’s where you’re going to get the best results. It takes two to tango! There was also a time before I went away that my immune system carked it and it was nice knowing that I was going to ride through it a-ok. Something that I also quickly noted was positive thought… and how little I actually thought about it. This was brought to my attention relatively early on in the process as Sam frequently asks me and any client what the best part of our day is and I’m not going to lie, I struggle answering this. There have been times where I’ve left and I’m like ‘Ok, I need to think of like five good things and recycle them next time he asks,’ and then I always forget. There is a class for this that they offer to clients and I’m looking forward to doing it.

After about a month of adjustments, clients are actively encouraged to go to these classes as part of homework. I’ve only attended one so far, but it was really good! It was about ‘Our Chemical World,’ and I’ll admit I am biased because this does interest me anyway, but I recommend it to anyone who’s a bit sceptical or interested in what we eat and what we absorb on the reg and how this affects you and your health. I will admit that I was the one sitting there surrounded by people who ate organic pea dust for breakfast and I had eaten an entire box of bacon flavoured shapes to myself – but I didn’t let that deter me! Because the In8 Life has taught me that it’s all about the balance.

I’m sure you’re all dying to know what the results were of my Health Snapshot. Remember how at the beginning Dr. Sam and I did a number of tests to figure out my health baseline? Well after phase one you go back and re do those same tests to see how and if you’ve improved. Photos were taken, my heart rate variability test was re-done and with a quick check of my spine, it was time to compare. I am very proud to say that on that day I only had four sublaxations rather than the seven that I had begun with! Comparing photos showed that my neck and chin weren’t as far forward as before (no neck hump for me thank you) my weight on each side of my body was more balanced and my stress rate has dropped .. drum roll please … 30% yay! It probably would have been less had I not taken two weeks off but still, my body is functioning better ya’ll and I’m not joking, I literally sat up straighter with pride, I was that stoked.

So, what have I learnt and where do I go from here?

Well, I’ve learnt that literally everything in your body is connected and that we’re pretty amazing beings. I’ve learnt that our standards of health is usually pretty sub par to what our health should be – and that most of us could benefit from asking questions about how we could feel better. I’ve also learnt that you’re going to meet a lot of people who are sceptical about chiropractors and other methods of increasing your health – and that’s ok too. Sometimes you just gotta do you. But in saying that I’ve definitely gotten a few people on board and I hope that if you’re at a bit of a loss as to how to reach your optimum health – you’ll look into things like this. I’m yet to meet anyone who’s gone to In8 Life and not seen an improvement, so that’s something. From here, I’m continuing on with the In8 Life, and I’m looking forward to see where it goes. I hope to see you there too!

Written by Caitlin Haddad

Where: 53 Hope Street, Geelong West