Secret Valley Venues in Jeopardy, Possible Cancellation

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Secret Valley Venues in Jeopardy, Possible Cancellation

Yet again Australia’s festival scene has taken another knock. Secret Valley a boutique music festival over the 20-21st of February – featuring the likes of Brand New Heavies, Leftfeild, Thandi Phonei, Jones Jr, Oka and Eddie Mac – looks like it may end up getting the axe.

The festival originally advertised that the Melbourne leg was to be held at the Yarra Valley Estate. However, a respresentative from the estate has now announced the event will no longer take place at this venue with no alternative venue announced at this stage.

A representative from Calais Estate, the location of the New South Wales leg of the festival, has also now stated there may be changes to their location also.

There has been no further comment made by any of the event organisers and tickets to both events are still on sale.

Leftfield’s management has confirmed that the band will tour Australia regardless if the festival is cancelled or not.