2020 has been a rough year so far, pretty much for everyone. But it hasn’t stopped talented Australian artists from doing what they do best, creating art. February saw the release of Scyphozoan’s newest album Arrive – bringing their heavy/progressive rock sounds mixed with some cosmic melodies.
Holding nothing back, the albums title track ‘Arrive’ needs no build-up. ‘Arrive’ brings solid production and what I like to call some really nice space melodies. Known for mixing heavier sounds into some of their songs, the third track of the album is no exception. A three-part song in which the first part seemed quite delicate however the second and third part demanded a heavier sound.
Arrive is an album full of unique sounds, the atmosphere set by the guitar on track five (‘Prologue’) is something beautiful, although creepy. ‘Bystander’ has an almost psychedelic feel, containing plenty of those space melodies I love so much.
‘Promise’, Arrives last track on the album earns the honour of being the last song, it has strong emotional sense from the beginning containing some delicious harmonies. Such a powerful way to end the album.
Scyphozoan’s Arrive is a mixed bag of heavy, progressive and cosmically melodic sounds that should be appreciated by many.
Reviewed by Alex Lynch