Sal Kimber & the Rollin’ Wheel

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Sal Kimber & the Rollin’ Wheel

Sal Kimber is a musical gem in the industry. She’s traversed much of the country (and is currently in the process of doing so) and has created heartfelt lyrics to connect with anyone who listens. We had a chat with the songstress ahead of her show in Bendigo with her close knit posse, the Rollin’ Wheel.

So the new album is officially out, congratulations! It’s been titled as your “coming of age” album, is that how you’d describe it?

Yeah I guess so, this album is a lot more relaxed and reflective, I guess that can happen when u get a little older.

If that’s the case, how do you feel you’ve evolved emotionally in your music through your releases?

The last album was very much a full band project – we rolled around laughing in the recording studio at Yikesville jamming out songs we mostly made on the road. This album was a lot more vulnerable to create. Many of the songs I had written solo and then they were brought alive by the band in the studio. A lot of the themes in this album are quite vulnerable – during the recording process I was travelling through a bit too – so the album was a bit of healer actually. Recording with Shane O’Mara taking seeds of songs and making them come alive.

It’s been said that your band the Rollin’ Wheel are a very tight knit bunch, what do you think it is about the group that makes the dynamic work so well?

Our band is very close, my sister is in the band, cat our drummer is one of my best pals, there is a couple in the band also – so it just makes for more authentic interactions on and off stage and natural chemistry I guess. We put a bit of work into ensuring we keep things feeling harmonious: doing extra curricular things together like having dinner and playing tennis, allows us to be more than just a group of musicians together – be more of a team. I do love my band – they are my close pals – [I feel] pretty lucky we get to travel around Australia together playing music and sleeping in a new bed every weekend. It’s a little like school camp at times, after a show going back to our accomodation and sitting around having a laugh.

What kind of adventures have you had on tour so far?

We have seen some of the most beautiful country, we played near Buffy and my hometown- Tallangatta Valley. We have been a bit spoilt; staying on friend’s farms, being fed beautiful breakfasts and waking up to gorgeous mountains. We will be in WA in a few weeks time, surfing in Margaret river hopefully 😉

You’ve visited some scenic spots too, when you head to each town do you like to try and experience as much of it as you can (on the limited time you have while on tour)? What’s the first thing you do when you get somewhere?

Sometimes you just don’t have any time do much more than drive to the venue, set up, sound check, eat some food and play. We are taking production with us to these shows and setting it all up – so it’s a big job. But we do try to schedule in some local adventuring: find out the best local swimming holes. Tomorrow morning we are playing a round robin of tennis at the farm we’ll be staying at – everyone will bring their tennis whites.

You’ve got a few shows coming up in Forte territory, and this tour you’ve decided to have each show with the full band. Do you think that was an important decision in getting the true feel of the album through to the audience?

I recently did a tour with The Waifs in WA and it was a lot of fun, if not maybe a bit scary opening for them every night. Perth concert hall [had] 1600 people but I slowly got used to it and really enjoyed playing solo. The truth is I am my most comfortable and have the most fun when I am with my Rollin’ Wheel – it’s like having a big warm flannelette blanket wrapped around you on a cold winters night.

When & Where: The Old Church on the Hill, Bendigo – February 21