The recent bushfires through the Otways were devastating. There’s no doubt about it. And while it may have been close to 12 months ago, its presence is still felt amongst residents and the surrounding environment. One for the Otways will see a live recording happen over the two events, with the profits of the album fundraising for the 2017 revegetation of the fire effected areas (Wye River and Separation Creek) and for two groups looking after the rehabilitation and rescue of the Otway’s native wildlife.
“Like many of us, Christmas Day 2015 Great Ocean Road Bushfires is a day we all will never forget .Many people lost their homes & the environment around them was devastated,” organiser Dean Krueger says. “A good friend from down the coast approached me to reform our band and put on a rock show to lift the spirits. There was only one way to do this and that was to make it special and try to give something back to this unique environment and the community. [It’s] a beautiful part of the Otways and is loved by many. When you can’t even recognise the environment around you from such a devastating fire, you know without hesitation something has be done – grass roots and all.”
With a background as a performer in the band Salmon Guts, Dean used his contacts and has set up a massive weekend with two gigs scheduled on October 29 and 30. Making it possible was also thanks to the many sponsors who jumped on board to help set up the event.
“[There’s] a huge amount of work ahead, but it’s all starting to come together. We have kicked into overdrive,” Dean says, for what has mostly been a one-man job.
After months and months of preparation, phone calls and discussions, Dean managed to get together six acts to perform across the two days. Set for the Saturday on October 29 at Aireys Pub will be The Heartache State (Nick Barker), Salmon Guts, Velvet Bow and special guest Jeff Lang. On the Sunday in Lorne, The Heartache State (Nick Barker), Salmon Guts, Holwin Wind, Mountain Grey and Jeff Lang will perform – notably some acts will be performing at both venues.
During the performances, a live recording of Salmon Guts will take place, with proceeds of the album set to go towards the cause.
“The album proceeds are fully donated to the cause,” he says. “Production is fully booked and we have locked in Robert Dillion for mastering and editing back in Melbourne. It’s going to be tough, but we will release the album just in time for Christmas.”
While Dean is currently living in Bendalong, NSW, he has a strong connection to the coast and it’s a symbol for many great times (musical and otherwise) he’s had.
“I spent many years working living, fishing surfing & playing music throughout the Otway region,” he says. “I bailed out of home pretty early in life and it was the Otways where I felt at home. I was fortunate enough to experience a great surfing and music culture during those years. I was often pulled into line by the boys for being a bit of rabbit. Legends like Al Howie were so passionate about the environment they lived in and that rubbed off on a great many people .The Otways was home.”
One for the Otways serves as a time to gather together, think of the impact made to the environment and help raise funds to turn a new leaf for residents and the wildlife. Also, there’s some pretty killer bands set to perform as well.
When & Where: One for the Otways takes place on October 29 at Aireys Pub, Aireys Inlet and October 30 at Lorne Hotel in Lorne. Tickets are available via TryBooking.
Please note: main image is of the Velvet Bow who will perform at the gig, not Salmon Guts.