At this point I had no idea that Lenny Kravitz was still making albums so I was slightly taken back when Raise Vibration came up and truthfully after giving it a listen, I’m really pleasantly surprised.
Although at times certain lyrics such as “The war won’t stop as long as we keep on dropping bombs, ”remind me of Russell Brands character in Get Him To The Greek, the album in itself is truly a banger. It’s not necessarily Lenny trying to lead a revolution, but it more so highlights just how cultural his music is.
From the funky, ‘Who Really Are the Monsters,’ to the reggae sounding, ‘It’s Enough’, it really seems as if there are some worldly influences going on. The whole album gives off a vibe of Childish Gambino meets Parliament/Funkadelic, which truthfully is a hard thing to pull off, but Lenny does it. Incorporating sounds of both the old and the new, Raise Vibration is definitely an album worth a suss for any fans of the Kravman out there.
Reviewed by Alex Callan