Depending on where you stumble upon his name on the ‘net, Joel Creasey is either a Rock God or an Acid Tongue Prince. He’s certainly a funny fella. We were lucky enough to share a few laughs with the funnyman as he worked his magic abroad. Good news for locals, however, is that he has a show coming up next month.
Hi Joel, thanks for taking the time to chat with Forte. How are you and what are you up to at the moment?
Hey Forte! I’m swell. Currently in L.A. doing gigs. I’ve actually been overseas for a few months. I started with a tour of Asia and then to Canada and New York, and now I’m in L.A.
What first made you pursue comedy?
Sitting in bed at 15-years-old I stumbled across the late, great Joan Rivers. Ever since I was hooked and wanted to do exactly what she did.
Have you ever questioned the career choice? What would you be doing if you weren’t a comedian?
When I’m playing an RSL in Dubbo, yes, I question my career choice! Otherwise no. I love it so much. Weirdly though, if I wasn’t a comedian I’d be a pilot. I had my heart set on it all my life until I started stand-up … Probably for the best I didn’t follow that path because I actually hate flying.
You seem to have come out of nowhere and risen to fame quite quickly. How do you plan on making that last and staying in the business for a long time?
By killing off the competition! I do genuinely love stand-up though, so I hope my passion always shines through and keeps me on top of the game.
You’ve become known for having an “acerbic style”. Are friends and family a bit wary of what they say around you?
I’ve lost friends from things I’ve said on stage. But the really good friends know it all comes from a place of love. My parents and family, however, are used to it. I think they secretly love it.
I imagine people would expect you to be funny and maintain your quick wit all the time. Do you ever get to switch it off and relax?
Oh, I can be incredibly unfunny when I’m just at home on the couch. My boyfriend is a comedian too and I think people just assume we sit at home doing material for each other all day, and we really don’t. We spend a remarkable amount of time whingeing, in fact. Having said that, we do laugh a lot but our jokes when we are alone are pretty childish.
What do you think of your nickname, ‘The Acid Tongue Prince’?
Oh I love it. I mean, come on, I’m basically Kate Middleton.
How do you know where to draw the line on some of your more controversial jokes?
According to some people I don’t know where to draw the line. But I like to think I’m experienced enough to know where to get to and where is appropriate (which is probably further than most people are comfortable with!).
Where do you get most of your material?
I get material from whatever happens around me every day. Everything is up for grabs.
I read that you’re a bit of a fan of Xena: Warrior Princess. What is it that you love about the arse-kicking warrior?
This is my favourite interview question I’ve ever been asked! I love Xena because when I was growing up I never really identified with the typical male heroes and TV stars. Xena represented something different and sort’ve stood up for the “odd one out”. Also, she was bad-ass and wore leather, so what’s not to love?!
Have you performed in Geelong before? Are you looking forward to it?
I have. I love Geelong! I find the drive to Geelong from my place in Melbourne the perfect time to warm up and warm down for a gig. And Geelong audiences always seem to be super laid-back and up for a laugh.
What kind of dynamic can we expect between Em Rusciano and yourself?
A lot of sass … and the same haircut. We’re actually best friends so we love working together and make each other laugh a lot.
In past shows you’ve made jokes about regional towns. Will you be pulling any out for your Geelong performance?
Oh, Geelong is far too metropolitan for me to ever tease. Plus I’ve got a whole bunch of towns in America I need to pull apart first.
What else can we look forward to seeing in the show?
A lot of naughty stories, tight jeans, big hair … and we both have a few surprises up our sleeve.
Thanks again for taking the time to talk with us. Is there anything you’d like to add before we finish up?
Come along! Em and I both put out!
When&Where: Playhouse Theatre @ GPAC – October 30
Photo by Ed Purnomo