If you were asked to name two of the coolest humans to have ever walked the earth, it would be a brave person to suggest you hadn’t nailed it if you were to name John Lennon and Johnny Depp. Throw a little Jeff Beck in there for good measure and you have yourself a combination of artists that have recently ‘come together’ unexpectedly in the form of Johnny Depp and Jeff Beck performing a very apt cover of the John Lennon classic ‘Isolation’.
Describing themselves as musical soulmates, Depp and Beck have chosen the Lennon track as their debut release to hugely positive feedback. Both known for their collaborations, with Depp having worked closely with Paul McCartney on several of the ex Beatles more recent film clips, as well as Macca being part of Depp’s hugely popular supergroup the Hollywood Vampires. While Jeff Beck has ties to the fab four, crediting Beatles producer George Martin with shaping his career, with the all-instrumental record ‘Blow by Blow’ in 1975.
The duo’s first outing is raw and emotional, with Depp’s voice doing fairly well at emulating the Lennon growl, while the songs crescendo features some fantastic slide guitar work from the 75 year old Beck!
Very keen to see where else these lads take it with an album reportedly on the way! You can check out the lyric clip on youtube now!
Written by Matt Wilkinson