Instagram Has Blocked Prominent Melbourne Graffiti artist Lushsux’s Account

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Instagram Has Blocked Prominent Melbourne Graffiti artist Lushsux’s Account

Anonymous Melbourne graffiti artist known as ‘Lushsux,’ has had their Instagram account suddenly blocked, with no communication from Instagram about it. The artist believes the account was deleted due to politically-motivated censorship because of a controversial piece of street art containing Hilary Clinton in a revealing bikini, and a couple of bucks shoved down the side.

The artist has also uploaded spray-paints ‘in loving memory of’ Taylor Smith (Swift) playing on the singer’s argument with Kanye West, who was recently photographed wearing a t-shirt labelled ‘R.I.P Taylor Swift.’


A lot of the artist’s work, such as a topless mural of Melania Trump featuring the Clinton campaign slogan, ‘I’m with her’ is still being circulated via Twitter, and a second Instagram account that the artist has set up.

Since being blocked by Instagram, the graffiti artist has taken to Twitter to attempt to contact Kevin, the co-founder of Instagram. The artist wrote, “My Instagram was deleted without warning or any message. Why do you censor artists so harshly on your platform? Please re-tweet.” A response has not yet been received.
