There has been a new shift in the nightlife scene in Geelong with the crew behind one of the town’s most iconic venues deciding it’s time for a serious freshen up. Rumours have been swirling around Geelong about what the plans are for the building that is currently the Eureka Hotel. Well, we have the scoop.
Truth is the whispers going around have some substance. A couple of mis-truths we need to put to rest first of all: the business is still owned and operated by Mario Gregorio and Darryn Lyons of the Big Group of Company’s.
Mario and Darryn are the team behind many of Geelong’s most successful nightlife enterprises and they have big plans for an overhaul of the whole building.
Today our focus is what is happening on the second level of the building, as of May 7. There are changes happening on level one as well, but we will fill you in on that at a later date.
We caught up with local promoter, manager, nightlife entrepreneur and all round ‘go getter’, Jordan Thulborn, as he has been handed the keys in an effort to return the Little Malop street address to its former glory.
And Jordan knows his shit. Two years ago he successfully launched a university rewards group called ‘Your Club’, now boasting over 1000 members.
Jordan, while working with Mario, has been using his growing reach to successfully manage the Thursday nights at Eureka – which is now consistently enjoying 600 patrons each night. Most importantly, he has shown he knows what partygoers in Geelong want.
Having done his industry apprenticeship and proven he can put a score on the board, it’s time for him to pour everything he has learnt in the last five years into Geelong’s newest licensed venue. Upstairs in the now ‘old Eureka building’, the new venue is called Hashtag.
Sitting in the Forte HQ Jordan doesn’t hesitate to start filling me in, “The stairway will be the big wow factor [check the front cover], that will be the first thing people see and notice there’s a big difference. We put a lot of time and energy into the stair way.” For those familiar with the venue, Jordan is talking about the side door/stairway off Shorts Place which will serve as the entry to level two.
“When you walk in you’ll notice there has been a reno. Everything is looking a lot nicer, we have re-done the front of the bar and it is all very classy, very high end – it’s not completely new, we haven’t gone in and gutted the whole joint, but you immediately notice it’s looking and feeling a lot nicer,” Jordan says.
The crux of the overhaul, from what Jordan tells me, is to redefine what it means to spend the night in the old Eureka building. The Eureka hotel is set in the heart of town, with an amazing layout and state of the art facilities but has become too readily pigeon-holed to a certain age group, most notably those who love cheap drinks and listening to thumping EDM.
Jordan plans to change that view of the venue by adding a diverse range of music, a cocktail lounge, a functions area and a deck that can hold 300 people that will host local musos. That doesn’t mean those who love a good price on an RTD and listening to EDM won’t also be catered for, with Jordan still looking to continue with great drink specials and big nights with DJ line ups and host the world’s best headline DJs ever 6-8weeks.
The mission statement is just making the venue more versatile. Jordan wants to reintroduce Hashtag to all age groups and tastes, somewhere between a club and a pub – he wants to capture the best of both worlds.
“We feel it’s an amazing building but over time it has lost its drawcard. This is a fresh start, we are removing all of the Eureka branding,” he says.
“It’s going to be two brand new businesses operating out of Little Malop St. It was a great hotel, but it’s time for the town to see we are now something different, it’s not ‘Spewys’ anymore,” Jordan says with serious intent before adding, “you’ll walk in upstairs and you won’t feel like it’s the same old Eureka Hotel.”
So whilst a lot of effort has gone into the physical freshen up as Jordan has tells me, we all know that a lick of paint and a different logo doesn’t make a legendary venue and Jordan explained the changes aren’t exclusively on the surface.
“The new element we are trying to bring is making it ‘the people’s pub’” he says.
“It’s a place for the people to go, it’s not just going to be EDM. The music they hear they are going to know, it’s the radio stuff, it’s the party stuff, we are bringing in acoustic music on the deck with a range of local musicians – so if you don’t necessarily want to hit the dance floor, there is still something for you.”
Another big focus Jordan is hoping will help restore a soulful foundation to the operation is the focus on local promotion and management. Jordan having moved here from Warrnambool four years ago quickly realised Geelong is a local’s town.
“It’s a big team effort. We are all local and we all want this to succeed, from the acoustic performers to the bar staff – we are getting Geelong people involved,” he says.
Jordan reels off an example of the local elements they are looking to incorporate: “George Camorra of Camorra liqueurs for example, is coming in to train our staff exclusively. We have decided to bring in a whole new team of local resident DJs from across Geelong, in terms of music you’ll have 8-10 new faces behind the decks and they will be locals.”
The name Hashtag has drawn a mixed response on social media, but this is something that Jordan likes. He cracks a huge grin as I mention the rumour that it was Darryn Lyons, who as Mayor has used the Hashtag so heavily and who was behind the name.
“Darryn was independent of it. He had no clue until I went and showed him the logo,” Jordan says.
“Social media is such a big part of our marketing, it just allows us to brand ourselves as something new but also utilise social media. It’s basically a clever play on how the Hashtag actually works on social media, and just like with the Hashtag on social media we are going to be segmenting what we are doing on certain nights. So for example, Hashtag -acoustic, Hashtag –camorraliquers.”
Speaking to Jordan it’s clear that it is time for change in the Little Malop Street building and I for one am excited. Whilst news on down stairs is still to be disclosed, it is clear upstairs has a new direction.
It is going to have local live music, a cocktail lounge, a deck, a range of music and a new classy décor. It is moving away from the strictly nightclub/drink cards/EDM vibe. This is going to be a classic, down to earth, all purpose venue.
Right on the cusp of a total revitalisation of Little Malop Street, there are a lot of specialist venues that are pumping. But to have a massive all-purpose pub/club suitable for both the dance crowd and the general night life crowd, is exactly the next step the street needs to take. Listening to Jordan speak, I think Mario and Darryn have the found the right man to implement the vision.
If you want to be part of the opening night, it is all happening of Saturday May 7. You’ll have a taste of the diversity on offer right form the get go, with a massive two-hour party set from J Heazy as well as two local performers working the outside deck. Oh, and drinks are free from 10-11:30pm, as if you didn’t need another reason to attend.
Written by Luke McNamara
Where & When: Hashtag is located upstairs at 98 Little Malop St, Geelong – the venue is officially launched on May 7.