Glass Beams smash through glass ceilings on EP Mahal

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Glass Beams smash through glass ceilings on EP Mahal

Image Credit: Sulaiman Enayatzada
Words by Alex Callan

It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for a new Glass Beams release.

In actuality, it’s only been three years, which is an incredibly standard timeframe given the rigorous touring schedule that the group have maintained over the last few years. Still, it’s felt like forever, with the replayability of their debut EP, Mirage, being so strong that over those three years, most of us have listened to the group’s 4 released songs infinite times over.

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So any new music from the Glass Beams camp is something to celebrate – even if it’s only another four song EP.

Continuing to expand on the instrumental blueprint that Khrungbin’s first two albums left behind, Glass Beams follow up EP, Mahal, blends jammy genre-fluid grooves between ominous Indian inspired instrumentals, spaghetti-western swagger and ethereal elements of psychedelic flair. 

From the mesmerising basslines and swirling layers of synths uprooting the infectiously groovy ‘Orb’, to the slowed, pulsating beats and alluring raga rock psychedelia of ‘Snake Oil’, and Western-infused jazz fusion of the title track, Mahal further showcases the tight interplay and instrumental grooves that the Melbourne/Naarm based trio have become renowned for and expands on them spectacularly. 

It’s easy-listening at its easiest. Not only does Mahal fill the shoes of Mirage, it gives Glass Beams a full-on growth spurt, upping their unique breed of world music to a whole new level and showing why they’ve been such a highly regarded act amongst Melbourne’s music scene.

Glass Beams’ Mahal is out now via Ninja Tune. You can stream it here.