For those who mightn’t be familiar with Ballarat, the coffee scene is really booming. It’s a creative hub and what’s on offer in the food scene truly reflects that.
Here are a few cafes that are a must-try and that come recommended by a Ballarat local.
FIKA. Coffee Brewers
Located easily off one of the main streets in Ballarat, FIKA focuses on quality dishes and coffee in a pretty snazzy environment. And given they use Sensory Lab beans, it’s pretty much a no-brainer you know each cup will be delicious. The cafe also sells beans and various other coffee related bits and bobs. You can find them on Facebook and Instagram.
Where: 36A Doveton St, Ballarat
Yellow Espresso
Here at Forte we love cafes that double as something, and while it’s not official, Yellow Espresso serves as somewhat of a gallery. Heck, with the food looking as amazing as it does, it deserves to be snapped up and framed on the wall, but realistically the cafe has several artworks hanging on the walls in the open light space. The cafe use Axil coffee and La Madre cakes and pastries. You can find them on Facebook and Instagram.
Where: 13 Sturt St, Ballarat
Knife Folk Spoon Kitchen Espresso
This cozy little cafe off the main street, is the perfect place to sit down, grab a cuppa (from one of the many vintage cups) and feel like you’re at your nanna’s. The sweets are on point and they make a mean milkshake. You can find them on Facebook.
Where: 16 Lydiard St, Ballarat
Eclectic Tastes Cafe and Pantry
A little bit of quirk and originality goes a long way, especially when it makes your cafe one of the most unique in town. With a quality menu to boot, and always friendly staff, Eclectic Tastes is an escape in itself. The hangings and bric a brac around could keep you there all day. Oh, and of course the food too. You can find them on Facebook.
Where: 2 Burnbank St, Ballarat
Europa Cafe
Being in operation for 20 years is certainly a sign of something, and we’re taking it as a great one. Locally owned and operated, Europa’s biggest draw is its all-day breakfast menu. The coffee is pretty great as well. You can find them on Facebook.
Where: 411 Sturt St, Ballarat
Main image: Yellow Espresso cafe credit to Tony Evans photography, all other images sourced from cafe’s social pages.