Collaboration often reaps the greatest rewards when it comes to unique, diverse and engaging content, and that can certainly be said for the Albare ITD Supergroup. A group who helped bring together French-Moroccan born Albare’s newest album and will help do so again in a live setting at Bird’s Basement. The venue just so happens to be another of Albare’s creations, making its focus creating an environment to celebrate jazz, food and wine. We had a chat to the man himself.
Hi Albare, thanks for taking the time to chat with Forte magazine, how are you and what are you up to at the moment?
Really in a good space and ready to share my passion for this music!
So you’ll be doing a show to bring your album to life with the Albare ITD Supergroup, who were heavily involved in the album’s creation process. What was the dynamic like in the studio?
It was done in record time. We all seem to be tapping on the same wave length – that’s when magic happens. Everyone brought their own musicianship and experiences that added to my original compositions and made this album. The whole thing came alive and took off. It’s always a great feeling. Nothing comes close. I’m grateful to my friends for their gift.
Obviously there’s such a diverse offering from the group, how did you all meet/things all come together?
That’s the journey! It’s always a friend of a friend of a friend who’s in the band. It sometimes works and often doesn’t. From time to time I jam with someone I invite or am invited to and then we become friends (if it gels) and then we bring friends and friends of friends.
How important was it for you to get them all back in the one place to celebrate the album in a live setting for all to see?
It’s fun. I love those guys, we’re like family.
It’s actually Luisito’s first Australian performance, how do you think Australians will respond to his music?
People will love Luis. There are not many guarantees in life but you can take this one to the bank!
And all of this will be happening at Bird’s Basement, which is your own venture, how have things been going?
I’m the founder and owner. It’s been great. I have good people working there who are placing their heart and souls in this venue. It’s all about passion for the music and the food and I believe it’s palpable.
In the past there hasn’t been a massive offering for jazz venues in Melbourne though that’s certainly increasing, do you think it’s a matter of the genre increasing in popularity or the opportunities for live venues are just getting better?
It’s not a business, it’s like a vocation. People going in there to make money would be disappointed. I could get a better return just by renting the space. It’s about loving what you do. This venue is about great entertainment, music and food. It’s a cultural centre and Melbournians appreciate it very much. I’m getting lots of great direct feedback.
Musically we hear you take a lot of inspiration from films you love, are there any in particular that have influenced your work?
I’m just about to release an album with 13 movie tracks and 3 would-be movie tracks. The album is called Dream Time, I mixed it with Don Murray in Hollywood.
Tickets can be purchased via the website.
When & Where: Bird’s Basement, Melbourne – April 9 & 10