Sheeza Goer: Hard ‘N’ Heavy

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Sheeza Goer: Hard ‘N’ Heavy

If you’re after a release that transports you somewhere, and you’re hoping that somewhere is an Aussie pub, then Sheeza Goer are your guys. Only thing is, that transportation won’t include a cold one. Kicking off hard and fast with title track ‘Hard N Heavy’ the guitar riffs are fast and always-present, though balanced out nicely with a steady drum beat.

Vocally it’s that rough, larrikin style of singing where you can tell it’s a little bit for fun. At times the lyrics can be a little cheesy with all the rhyming (particularly in ‘Workin Man Blues’) but if anything it tells a tale of real life. Highlights come with ‘Don’t Tell Me’ (which throws back to ‘80s rock), title track ‘Hard N Heavy’ and ‘Top Shelf Blues’. For the latter, that guitar intro is spot on.

Going by the release, Sheeza Goer would fit perfectly on stage at venues like the Barwon Club or Black Hatt, let’s hope they get up there in the coming weeks.

Reviewed by Valerie Vatoosh