2014 was a big year for Melbourne boys, The Wild Comforts, they recorded their sophomore album and are about to embark on a national tour to celebrate its launch, kicking it all off first in Ballarat. We had a chat to drummer, Ben Drane about the year ahead.
Hey Ben, thanks so much for taking the time to chat to Forte, what are you up to at the moment?
No problemo. Getting over holiday hangovers. Preparing for the inevitable 3-week long tour hangover. Ya just got to keep that train going you know?
Your band has been together for 3 years now, how did you initially get together?
Oddly enough, all of us meet at the exact same time and place. Naked and groggy, waking up outside of KFC covered in chicken nuggets. We slowly regained our energy by eating the nuggets off of each other’s bodies. We bonded over our love of chicken nuggets basically. That’s not true. It was just like you live your life and if you go outside occasionally cool shit happens. Cool band shit.
It sounds like you had a great time recording Silver City Sorrow, how did it go and what was it like to work with the legendary Bill Chambers?
We owe a lot to Bill and Jeff McCormack, with whom we did the first few days of recording with. Bill was so enthusiastic and passionate about our music, which gave us high hopes that what we were making wasn’t total shite. It was like a game of who could be more enthusiastic. We’re best buds now. He is truly the most lovely and easygoing man in the world. And he can shred guitar with a beer bottle. Total boss.
Earlier this year you ran a successful Pozible campaign to record the EP, how did it feel to have so many passionate fans willing to dig deep to see you succeed?
The Pozible campaign was a very last minute thing. In the end it was either going to be a horrible kick in the guts or a realisation that we should of asked for more money. Thankfully it was the latter. We were so very humbled that many of our fans, friends and family would actually give us their hard earned cash in support for making this album. It was one of the many beautiful things that came out of this whole endeavor.
Which tracks are you most looking forward to playing from the EP during the upcoming tour?
We’ve being playing most of the songs this year already. But it’s great getting to play to new folk. Getting heckled to play happier songs is always refreshing.
Your latest single ‘Cosette’ is a folkier track and features vocal’s from Bill’s daughter, and multi-award winning Kasey Chambers how do you feel she added to the song and what was it like to work with her?
We played a gig with Bill and Kasey while recording. While we stood in in awe of her vocal prowess, she was asking Bill if she could sing on our album. It was almost surreal having her rock up in the morning with a coffee and just nailed the song in minutes. If Bill is the most lovely and easygoing man in the world, she is defiantly the beautiful female version.
Alt-Country is very much a modern sound, blending together a number of different genres, how would you describe your sound to people about to listen for the first time?
If they’re just about to listen to it? I would shout “STOP, Comforts time” then do the Wild Comfort shimmy which would explain everything. We used to just say we were country, though we clearly aren’t. So don’t ask us. Just listen to the album and make up your own mind. We are alt-country though.
You have had a pretty solid year gigging and touring what has been some of your 2014 highlights?
Feigning country credibility because we recorded with the Chambers. Did you know we recorded with the Chambers? Because we totally did.
The National Tour aside, what do 2015 hold for The Wild Comforts?
Getting 1000 likes on Facebook. That’s all that matters. Drug-fuelled nights of musical passion can only push the cart so far. Only the encouraging glow of digital thumbs keep us going. Besides from internet friends, we want to have a go at recording ourselves over a longer period of time. Experiment a little. Also, tour America.
When & Where: Babushka Bar Friday 9th Jan, The Bridge Castlemaine Saturday 10th Jan, The Old Hepburn Hotel Sunday 11th Jan