Good morrow, schimmy schimmers and dirty dancers. Daniel here with a broadcast of upcoming B-rat events.
Thursday 16th of October, the quaint and comfortable Babushka Bar is the first cab off the ranks this round with the country singer Jess Holland (TBC) … but if social media is anything to go on it’s quite a secure looking “TBC”. So if it’s a bit of country sound you’re looking to hear, keep this in mind.
Friday 17th of October, Babushka are backing it up with Phil Haby Karaoke (TBC). So clear the throat with some whiskey and go exercise those vocals. The Eastern enter here with Sydneysider Steve Smyth being supported by local boys Mick Dog’s Bone Yard. Steve Smyth is an alternative/indie musician, and supported by swamp B-rat rockers it’ll prove to be an awesome night. Entry TBC. The Karova Lounge has Kingswood back again, with support from The Sinking Teeth. Tix $25.The Main Bar also has their first entry this fortnight with Women in Docs playing. They’re a five-member indie/folk band fronted by two women (assumably in DM’s unless the band name lies to us!?). Anyway, attend and find out for yourself. Entry $10.
Saturday 18th of October sees Babushka Bar hosting the psychedelic band Trappist Afterland and their array of odd instruments and audio. If you’re into music noise with a bit of experimentation, Babushka hosting these boys could provide the solution. Entry TBC. The 18th also has legendary B-rat rockers The Rye Catchers releasing their latest EP to the masses at The Eastern. They’re set to rock the night out as they’ve done on many occasions in many different locations over the years, so gather a good crowd of crazy bunch Ballaratians that consist of friends, family and good music lovers alike. Entry TBC. The Karova Lounge is having Melbourne’s GodWolf play on this night. Supported by local two-piece Horris Green and solo singer Gullivan. Tix $10.
Friday 24th October has Adam Roche, frontman of Romantasaurus, playing at The Babushka Bar. Once upon a time Adam was part of the infestation of B-rat, but somehow he got free of the hellmouth and is now a Melburnian. He sometimes journeys up to entertain us friends with tales of tall buildings and terrible election outcomes. Get to Babushka and see him because he’s a nice guy and a talented artist! Entry TBC. The Eastern has DJ Ram Daddy spinning decks and cashing cheques on the same night, so wander down there and enjoy the best of both worlds. The Main Bar hosts local band Into the Black on this night with special guest Liam Kealy from The Mondlarks and his Hammond B3 organ skills. Entry $10
Thursday 30th of October, The Karova Lounge is hosting Davey Lane on the promotion of his debut album Atonally Young. Tix $12.
Well this completes the multitude of B-rat events for the second half of October.
The Eastern is doing their open mic nights on Thursdays with the opening residency taken up this month by The Rye Catchers’ very own Earl Leonard. Earl is always the entertainer on stage, whether he’s playing solo, fronting for The Rye Catchers or playing to the pint-sized with his Music for Kids acts.
Written by Daniel Lock