The inevitable has happened and summer is over. Cooler mornings and nights are starting to remind us all of what is to come, but never fear as Suttons House Of Music have a fabulous way to keep yourself warm. There are swing classes on the last Thursday of every month with a real live swing band to dance to. Each lesson is 20 bucks or if you are already a swing-savvy, it’s 10 bucks for social dancing from 8.30pm. You don’t need to take a partner and dance lessons are from 7.30-8.30pm, followed by a live swing band from 8.30-10.30pm. Just don’t pull a hamstring if you have to front up for work on a Friday! So no complaining that there is nothing groovy to do in the Rat.
Another fabulous thing Suttons are doing is having students studying VCE or VET Music in the Ballarat area to perform every Tuesday during the school term. Students or teachers can register an act here [email protected].
Wendy Rule has been travelling near and far and recently ventured to L.A., Chicago and Southern California for some shows. She is bringing her mystical sweet folk songs to Babushka on Friday April 8 – which will be a great way to start the weekend for her loyal fans. ‘Oblivion’ is a particularly cool track and it’ll be easy to think Kylie Minogue is doing a guest vocal on this track. Now THAT will be a turn up for the books if Kylie jumps out of a cake to sing the song on the night!
The night after, Retro Revival are playing classic rock, forgotten hits, B’ Sides and one hit wonders at The Lane. I personally have always been a fan of this venue in Ballarat – the food is always great. The staff are really friendly and it’s in a very accessible location, plonked in the heart of Ballarat.
Tully on Tully are coming to Karova Lounge on April 15. What an interesting outfit these guys and gals are. Miles Away is a power-retro- pop tune that has grabbed my attention of late. It has fabulous production and some wonderful vocals on it. There are interesting complex layers to their somewhat ’80s disco retro sound that will be interesting to see at a live venue like Karova. Make the most of the autumn sunshine before it’s gone folks.
Written by Glen Anderson