Always seek out the tips of an apparent ‘expert’, either that or the tips of a degenerate uncle who claims he has a bunch of hot tips will do just fine.
Arrive at the morning meeting point and confidently declare that the ‘hot tips’ you have are pretty much ‘sure things’ and react with pessimism to anyone else who claims to also have ‘hot tips’.
If you are going to punt, allocate a sensible amount to wager, do not go in a free spend, you will run out of money, and quick!
Never lose your ticket, I did it once after a win in race one at the Geelong Cup and it ruined my day. Going up to the TAB attendant and pleading, “Remember me, I was here 25 minutes ago, I put $10 on number five,” does not work. Even if they remember you; you can’t collect without a ticket.
Pick your method of choosing a horse, whether it’s by name, number, colours or a mates tip – pick it and don’t change.
Always back in your original tip, don’t change your mind as you go to place the bet. The horse you were going to originally pick will ALWAYS win in that situation.
Don’t ever chase your loses and always gamble responsibly. There’s nothing worse than waking up with a splitting headache and an empty wallet too!!