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Music For Nations is back! The once trustworthy brand associated with black and death metal disappeared from the record store shelves some time ago, so strap yourselves in because soon that large Music For Nations (MFN) logo running up the spine of a CD should also hopefully be back.
The press release, which reads like it was written by a child whose first language isn’t english, states MFN “will be releasing music by new bands in a series of 7” singles and compilations. Expect the heaviness.”
Most importantly, there’s going to be a surge of MFN re-releases. Presumably, the first cab off the rank is Anathema, who’ll be releasing four albums, three of which will also have vinyl options. There’ll also be re-releases of Paradise Lost’s back catalogue, three Opeth albums, Spiritual Beggar’s back catalogue and some Cradle Of Filth. And the label will be releasing a whole bunch of shit online for download.
This may seem like a desperate attempt by Sony Music to raise some cold hard cash, they know metal heads will buy the same album over and over if it has just a tiny little thing extra, different or limited. But that’s not a bad thing, if a whole pile of the more obscure MFN releases are unleashed again on vinyl format then every nostalgic metal head will be throwing their cash at the check out staff at the record store. Fingers crossed for some Destroyer 666 vinyl.
The pretty exciting part of all of this is that MFN will be signing new artists, they haven’t done that in a decade. Let’s just hope Sony keep their hands out of the process and let MFN do what they do best, uncovering some of the best heavy metal that’s ever been committed to tape.
In other news
Nile drummer George Kollias will be holding a full day drumming workshop at Northcote’s Drumtek on Sunday March 8. He’ll also be there playing classic Nile tracks on Monday March 9 and he’ll still be there playing new solo stuff on Tuesday March 10. All tickets through Oztix.
Psycroptic will release their sixth, self-titled album on Friday March 13.
Cancer Bats will release their fifth studio album Zero on Friday March 13.
Psycroptic with special guests Goatwhore will play The Hi-Fi on Friday March 13, Ballarat’s Karova Lounge on Sunday March 15, The Barwon Club on Friday March 20 and Melbourne’s Wrangler Studios on Saturday March 21.
Mastodon will play Festival Hall on Friday March 27.
Gallows will release Desolation Sounds on Friday April 10.
The Ocean will play The Evelyn Hotel on Saturday April 18.
Suffocation and Decapitated will play the Corner Hotel on Saturday May 9.
Motley Crue will play their final tour Melbourne show at Rod Laver Arena on Tuesday May 12.
The Black Dahlia Murder will play three shows at the Northcote Social Club, one of Saturday June 20, an all ages show on the arvo of Sunday June 21 and 18+ evening show on Sunday June 21.
If you have any news about local metal bands, shows or albums, let THTH know by emailing to [email protected] or get in touch via Twitter at @TooHeavyToHug
Written by Paul S Taylor