This Hot Mess questions Instagram’s newest filters

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This Hot Mess questions Instagram’s newest filters

So I don’t wanna be accused of supporting a “nanny state” vibe or being the fun police on Instagram, but does anyone else have little red flags going up when it comes to the new cosmetic procedure trends-inspired filters popping up lately?

Kardashian lips with Bella Hadid eyes and supermodel cheekbones are all over my ‘gram lately. So I checked these new filters out to see what the fuss was about.

And oh, my, GOD! I looked worthy of my own reality show. I looked like companies should be sending me skinny teas. I looked like I date celebrities, spend summers in Capri on a yacht, don’t fart, have a constantly tidy house and never look for my phone whilst it’s in my hand. I looked like perfection. And scarily. I bloody LOVED it.

I already dabble in cosmetic stuff & have been a fan of Botox for years (sorry to disappoint anyone, please send letters of opinion or complaint about what I should do my with my body to #1 Idontcareaboutyouropinion Street, Ocean Grove)

And full disclosure, I’ve even had help filling out some hollowness I started to get as I got older and my body stopped producing fat in parts of my face. But I’ve also been very careful to still look like “me”. And before now, I surely haven’t had my face literally changed via a filter to SHOW me what I can look like if I shove enough product (ie, money) into my face.

When I started to dabble in helping slow down the signs of aging, I wasn’t doing it with the intention to totally change my face into the current perception of beauty. But if I’m honest, if I was 19, and not 32 and had filters like this with a disposable income… how could I not?!!

Young people are some of the most vulnerable in our society and as much as I don’t want to be the fun police, surely Instagram has a responsibility to protect them of themselves? After all, alcohol is illegal before 18, we don’t let kids drive before 16… perhaps we need to start protecting them from mental health risks like we do possible physical health risks?

Just a thought 🙂

Sending love as always Forte crew! Kim Xx