Things That Go With Porridge

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Things That Go With Porridge

Remember November 6, foxy men and ladies, because You Am I will be dropping a new album on that faithful date. It is called Porridge & Hotsauce and it is their first since their 2010 self-titled release. To keep you company until then you have single ‘Good Advices’.
Mr Tim Rogers: “Good Advices is about throwing away the script and clinging to your imagination as the only guide. We’ve trusted our wits so far, and if it got us here, this hopped up and rarin’ to go, our wits done good.” Eh, it’s a good start, but a tour would be even better. What’s that? They are doing a tour?! The Barwon, Geelong – October 29 & Ulumbarra Theatre, Bendigo – November 1.