There’s a free gig experience going down with Tkay Maidza and Ego

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There’s a free gig experience going down with Tkay Maidza and Ego

Melbourne, get ready.

After the massive success of their first creative collaboration in Brisbane – Tkay Maidza and Ego have announced a surprise second show for their fusion of art and live music – this time in MELBOURNE on Thursday August 24.

For this event series, Tkay decided to ‘underthink it’ herself and crowd-sourced the next location through facebook, where Melbs was the answer.

World class warm up DJs will throw some heat on the dancefloor to begin the night followed by the main event, Tkay and Ego.

Activating a visually stunning stage backdrop – live painted on stage while Tkay Maidza performs, Ego projection maps his signature style animations onto the artworks, bringing the evolving backdrop to life with Tkay as the soundscape.

This collaboration and event series is entirely unique and un-repeatable.

Forte people, gather the crew and roadtrip up to Melbourne, this one will be worth it.

RSVP via FB here.