The festival is slated to go ahead in February.
It’s time, the festival lineups are coming back and boy oh boy does it feel good!!
Following the huge success of the SummerSalt concert series across Australia over past Summer seasons, taking place in some of the most picturesque locations around the country, the touring festival will land in Ballarat in February next year at the outdoor location of North Gardens for a COVID safe event.
Known for delivering cream of the crop artists to the great Australian outdoors, the Ballarat edition will see the likes of The Cat Empire, The Teskey Brothers, John Butler, Boy & Bear, Montaigne and Emily Wurramara take to the regional stage.
From The Cat Empire’s genre-embracing anthems, high-energy performance, and joyful sounds, to the rare soulful energy and raw emotion of The Teskey Brothers and the unique solo performances of John Butler, this festival promises to elevate your post-COVID spirits, almost marking a year since the last festival to go ahead in Victoria.
“By the time we step on to the SummerSalt stage, it will have been 12 months since we have been on tour, so you cannot imagine how excited we are to play live again with this brilliant line-up of artists,” says Felix Riebl of The Cat Empire.
SummerSalt Festival will hit North Gardens in Ballarat on Sunday February 28 2021. Tickets are on sale now via Ticketmaster.