You’ve Got the Wrong Guys is the latest release from Melbourne four-piece The Mean Times. Described as real blokes who play real music for real people, this release is a sweaty electro-pop dance release. Cue indie haircuts and stovepipe jeans, these guys are sure to get you on the dance floor and grooving away to their tunes.
‘Coming Up Below’ is a cross between post-grunge and power-pop and is a sound that really drives this mini album. With each of the songs clocking in at around three-and-a-half minutes, you will be certain to hear these guys blasting out of your radio very soon. Influenced by the likes of Regurgitator, Pavement, The Violent Femmes and the Rolling Stones, it is groovy and catchy indie sounds that would complement the best music festivals around.
With a mix of band members from Victoria and Tasmania, you are sure to see these boys somewhere out on the road touring this release. If grungy rock guitar and easy-to-sing pop melodies is your thing, then these guys are definitely worth checking out.
My favourite track on the release would have to be ‘Business Casual Guy’ and that’s partially because of the electro drums and reverby guitar melody. It to a point sounds a bit like a song off a Spoon album.
If you are looking for some new rock tunes, go no further than your trusty live and local band The Mean Times. It’ll be hard to get their songs out of your head, that’s for sure.