From June 18 to 24, The National Breast Cancer Foundation is challenging all the men, women, girls and boys of Australia to GO PINK in support of the thousands of mothers, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives and children whose lives have been – or will be – affected by breast cancer.
In light of this disease we cannot ignore, Warrnambool’s The Loft are doing their part to change the outcome by going pink this Friday June 22.
The event is being headed by Matthew Murray, who is going pink in support of his mother, who was diagnosed with breast cancer when Matthew was just 15 years old. After being given the all clear, 10 years on she was diagnosed again. Soldiering on, she was eventually given the all clear again after major reconstructive surgery. You can read Matthews story here.
To raise funds and show support for people just like Matthews mother, the event will see local musicians and DJ’s take to the stage for the evening, along with Pink margaritas, raffles and prizes.
So go on, find your best pink outfit or accessories and support one very worthy cause this Friday. By going pink this June and raising funds for research, you’re helping us move closer to the ultimate goal: zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030.
Entry is a gold coin donation with proceeds going towards The National Breast Cancer Foundation.