The IN8 Life opened its bright green door at 53 Hope St, just off Pako, to our vibrant community in May. Co founders, and husband and wife team Dr Sam and Dr Gabriel are excited to offer a never before seen way of approaching health. Their creed: Heal – Thrive – Be AWESOME! challenges preconceived ideas of what health care should look like.
“We recognise the fact that inside each and every one of us, there is more perfection and possibility to heal, regenerate, adapt and THRIVE, than many of us have ever been permitted to believe…We want our clients to be empowered and feel that they are the directors of their own health,” explains Dr Sam. “It is simply not enough these days rely on our doctors to fix our problems for us with pills and potions. It is our goal for each and every one of our clients to discover their own perfect doctor within.”
With a background as Chiropractors this duo have continued to hone their skills and develop a comprehensive all-encompassing way of viewing your health. It is their role to help you discover your health ‘baseline’ using detailed and scientific analysis; understand or help you to set your health goals; and then finally to help guide you and support you on YOUR journey to reaching YOUR fullest potential.
The IN8 Life presents itself as a bright and stylish open space, that is far from what you might expect to see in any other clinical or wellness setting. The studio offers services to aid in pregnancy, birth and then all throughout life, and the modern family friendly atmosphere reflects this. If you come through the door you might want to have an adjustment, stay for a cup of tea while you peruse the library, or stay on for a film night or any number of their regular health and lifestyle classes.
Over the past 5 years Dr Sam and Dr Gabriel have been living in Europe where they created one of the largest natural health and healing studios in Northern Italy. They are now excited to bring this new approach down under. When asked to sum up what they offer Dr Gabriel simply says, “You were perfect in the beginning, let us show again how you can be that AWESOME YOU.”
The IN8 Life is sure to be a huge asset to our community and invites you to pop by and check out this exciting new space.
Where: 53 Hope St, Geelong West
Ph: 5298 1838