Bellusira are off and running on their We’ve Missed You tour. Drawing their name from the Latin meaning ‘beautiful anger’, Bellusira formed out of Melbourne in 2007. Being in a band is no easy task, so when you have the likes of Clint Boge and Grammy Award-winning producer Michael Barbiero (“Bellusira kicks major ass and deserves to be up there among the best new international rock bands. They’ve got a fresh take on songwriting that makes you want to hear more and a killer lead vocalist) in your corner, you must be doing something right. It’s little surprise that with that sort of endorsement the band calls the US home these days – landing major endorsements and signing with management booking agent M7 in the process. Despite the good times, Australia is not forgotten. Frontwoman Crystal Ignite: “We are so excited to return to our home ground for a tour. We have missed out fans so much and it will be great to show them where the band is at now. The USA couldn’t have gone better for us and we are proud to be coming back with so much good news to announce!” This new includes new EP The Gold in Every Fall, a release funded thanks to a successful PledgeMusic campaign. The Barwon, Geelong – March 17 & Music Man, Bendigo – March 19. [photo by Annie Atlasman]