Well hot diggity dog, Tex Perkins and Charlie Owen have some business to attend to at The Workers Club, Geelong on November 1. My friends, the music word is full of musical partnerships for the ages. John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. Kanye and Kanye.
How do Tex Perkins and Charlie Owen stack up? Like a mutha-fudger, that’s how. The year was 1992. Tom Hanks had just taught us that “there’s no crying in baseball” when Tex Perkins contacted Charlie Owens and Don Walker to perform a few live-to-air tracks for triple j. Says Perkins: “I saw Charlie and thought, ‘Jesus Christ’. He was easily the best rock guitar player I had seen. He was really dexterous, but gutsy. Not flashy. I think it had a lot of jazz in him as well. I made a mental note that I’d like to work with Charlie and about one year later I heard he was playing with Don Walker in Catfish.” When it was suggested Tex do something with Don Walker, he agreed on the proviso Charlie Owen was involved. A “vague” promise was made to do something else at a later stage, and as they’re men of a certain character this happened with Tex, Don and Charlie. Owen would later join Perkins in a reformed line-up of Beasts of Bourbon. Tex will also be appearing at the Queenscliff Music Festival.