Sentimental Friday

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Sentimental Friday

Are you feeling a bit sentimental today? Even though Holy Holy’s new track is titled ‘Sentimental and Monday’ today couldn’t be a better day to watch this dreamy clip, giving you the sense you’re flying. As who doesn’t love a bit of flight (whether real or not) on a Friday arvo?
The track was inspired by the onset of winter and the dark season that comes along with it. It’s about leaving loved ones behind and that sentimental feeling you get when saying goodbye.  It’s meant to be kinda sad but also uplifting in a way, there’s a freedom from moving away that’s exciting and scary,” lead vocalist Tim Carroll says.
Watch the clip below and you can catch them at the Workers Club in Geelong on September 3, Karova Lounge in Ballarat at September 4 and at Howler in Melbourne on September 5.