Probably the best joke in Sausage Party is the way that – if you could somehow cut out all the bad language and racist stereotypes and sexual innuendo – you’d have something very close to a traditional animated Disney film.
Of course, that’s also pretty much the only joke here in this tale of food that a): is alive in the usual anthropomorphised way, and b): is blissfully unaware of what will happen to them once they’re taken off the supermarket shelves.
Starting out as a romance between a hot dog named Frank (Seth Rogen) and a bun named Brenda (Kristen Wiig), it becomes something of a road movie as the duo end up out of their packages and – together with a growing group of friends, including Salma Hayek as a Taco and Edward Norton channelling Woody Allen as a Bagel – try to figure out a way out of the doom they only now realise awaits them. We are most definitely talking highbrow comedy here, but there’s a gleefulness to the way it goes for the most obvious of jokes that gives it a crude charm that may (or may not) overcome the crudity of most of those jokes.
There’s also an all-food orgy that’s astoundingly depraved. If you’re laughing at “all-food orgy”, this is one for you.
Reviewed by Anthony Morris