Wot? No Fish!! Is a critically-acclaimed performance by Danny Braverman and directed by Nick Philippou. It has had fantastic success at the Edinburgh Fringe, completed a big UK tour and is currently travelling throughout Australia, presented by bread&circuses.
The night began with Braverman offering each audience member fish ball, (yes actual fish!) As I am allergic to seafood I was unable to take up this generous offer, though grateful but the audience seemed to really enjoy. The dipping sauce, common in Jewish families, known a ‘Chrain’ is made from beetroot and horseradish, a combination of sweet and sour and becomes a common theme in his storytelling, setting the scene for the emotions we were about to experience.
Braveman inherited a number of boxes containing the belonging’s of distant relative. The box contained a series of small drawings, drawn on wage packets by his Great Uncle Ab for his wife, Celie. The images were drawn depicting times of happiness as well as struggle, being a middle-classed Jewish family living through World War II in London.
The drawings while tiny, were very detailed and kept in great condition. Braverman does not necessarily depict facts but rather speculates and expresses his own interpretations of what each of the images represent. Having connected early with the audience through his offer of fish and open discussion at the beginning on the performance, Braveman creates a space that invites each individual to come to their own conclusions.
Wot? No Fish!! will be performed at GPAC’s Drama Theatre from Wednesday 18th February until Saturday 21st February book tickets over the phone on 03 5225 1200 or through their website: www.gpac.org.au/