So many awesome bands releasing new records in the lead up to Soundwave, and one that I’m particularly looking forward to is Hang, the newie from Lagwagon. Judas Priest and New Found Glory have also just dropped killer new records, so there’s going to be a LOT of happy punters that weekend!
The NOFX show at the Barwon Heads Hotel next month is officially sold out, so you KNOW it’s gonna get intense up in there! The Bennies are supporting, but we do NOT get Bodyjar or Frenzal Rhomb like other towns. Boo-urns!
Well, after ten years, and just as many drummers, Hopes Abandoned has decided to call it a day. No farewell shows have been announced.
There’s a band in the US calling itself Prince. I wonder how Prince, the GUY, feels about it!
Is anybody else surprised that Black Flag guitarist Greg Ginn is being accused of abusive behaviour towards his teenage daughters? It’s alleged by his ex-wife that he denies them food, whistles at them and tells them that they’re “hot” and indulges in substance abuse in their presence. Yikes! I used to think Henry Rollins was KIDDING (or at the very least exaggerating) whenever he talked about Greg’s interesting personality and work ethic…
No Doubt front-hottie Gwen Stefani (pictured) is gearing up to release a new solo record. I love when she indulges her pop/RnB side … don’t hate! At least she’s not Meth Face, erm, I mean, Fergie from Black Eyed Peas!
Oh no’s! World’s Scariest Police Chases have broken up. I want to insert a sad face emoticon right about here, but I can’t bring myself to be so lame. I will, however, say that they were awesome, and should have come out to Australia to play some shows. Their album, NOFX and Out Come the Wolves Dookie, will go down in history as a classic.
Don’t forget, Saturday, December 6 is the second annual Nevermind the Warp’d Tour mini-festival at the Brunswick Hotel! Queensland heroes The Dreamkillers are headlining – and it’s FREE ENTRY! Two stages, skate ramps, BBQ, shitloads of bands – be there! Will it be a hipster-free zone? You betcha!
Melbourne modern-rock/punk combo Laura Palmer has just played a run of US shows, including a slot at Fest in Gainesville, Florida. They even scored the first track on the Fest souvenir compilation CD.
Not the punk rocking-est of topics, but what is with this weather? Spring rolled over and played dead just one week into her job. And now it’s winter again. By the time this goes to press we’ll be experiencing a heatwave. Bleurgh.
And just like that, we’re done for another issue!
By Christopher Cruz