If you can imagine what Terry Barber would be like on the beach, then that’s what you should expect from Alpine’s Phoebe Baker, who says that how she will be dancing at the Queenscliff Music Festival.
“Definitely look out for me, dancing and prancing. It’s messy but good – we will have the best time.”
The Melbourne indie-pop outfit had a massive year in 2015, releasing their second album, playing sold out dates around the country and touring the US. Now, the group are back working on new music, playing shows but most of all keen to get back on stage for their gig at Queenscliff with some “new shit and new outfits”.
For Baker, this won’t be her first time attending the festival, but this time she hopes for some long-time memories.
“I remember going there post high school and it was a big exciting party and I have had some hilarious, embarrassing memories which included lots of vodka. Well, that’s if I could remember them, I’m just sure they were very embarrassing.
“I’m now just excited to see how it’s changed or if it’s changed. I mean it’s such a lovely vibe and now we get to re-live the memories from on stage – and we get to see Killing Heidi!”
Between chatting about her experimental jumpsuit making and a now comprehensible love of tequila, the breezy musician reflects on how the bands six big personalities have continued to bring their A game each and every performance, whilst managing to remain as close as they are.
“We are like weird siblings who still want to hang out with each other and play music. We just appreciate the time we have together, because we just don’t know how long we will be together, or how long we can be a band. Hopefully forever, but you never know what’s going to happen. I’d like to do this until I’m 73 though, still rocking jumpsuits!”
The distinctive sounds of Alpine are heavily based on the serene dual harmonies of Baker and her co-vocalist Lou James. Whilst their first album consisted of bright beats and sweet harmonies, and their second revealing darker and more serious tones, their third album will be a completely different sound all together.
“This new album that we are writing at the moment is going to bring new things out of each of us. It definitely sounds different. We don’t want to be limited by the pressure to try and please, we just want to do what we want to do in this album.”
With an unfettered, quirky humour and a real down to earth attitude, Baker gives us the inside scoop on what could be the title of their next album.
“Maybe we will call it ‘I Love Books’, or maybe ‘Pillows Are Great’? Our names for our albums are so weird, A for Alpine and Yuck, like they don’t relate in any way but I like it. We just come up with it and it just generally feels like it suits the mood. I think it will just happen organically, maybe it [the new album] could be ‘Yum’?”
Whatever they choose, Forte know it will be as awesome as it is weird.
Written by Talia Rinaldo
When & Where: Queenscliff Music Festival, Queenscliff – November 25, 26 & 27