Off the back of their smash single ‘High’, the infectious boys of Peking Duk have announced a new single will be coming our way very shortly – and they’ve revealed a little of what we can expect from the track.
“It’s a semi-emotional song about being bored of what you’re stuck in, whether that’s your job or a relationship, anything that’s sort of holding you down and you want to go outside and experience some new things. That’s what the lyrics are about,” explains Adam Hyde, one half of the exciting duo.
Collaborating on the song is SAFIA vocalist and friend Ben Woolner, who slotted in well with the guys, both musically and socially.
“It was incredible. He completely gets how we work and where we want to take it,” says Hyde. “Even now we have lots of demos we are working on and I’ll play him some of the beats and he will just sit there and start humming these crazy beautiful melodies … He’s a great dude, and he knows how to party.”
The single, titled ‘Take Me Over’, may not be released yet, but it is already a crowd pleaser if their recent run of sold-out shows at Melbourne’s own Corner Hotel is anything to go by.
“We sold out four shows at the Corner Hotel. By the fourth show there must have been quite a few people who had been to the other shows,” explains Hyde, “because during the chorus of the songs there was people singing back the words to a song that hasn’t even been released yet, which was just incredible.
It’s been a crazy 12 months for the boys, thanks in large to the massive success of their single ‘High’, a song that they originally thought would never really make it on commercial radio stations.
“We didn’t think it would cross over to commercial radio or even triple j for that matter,” says Hyde. “Commercial radio must have caught wind of the song and they picked it up and then it just went all over Australia. It was crazy. Once commercial radio picked it up it was all over TV, like on the Today show and The Block just playing in the background, which was pretty cool.”
Their music may have caught people’s attention, but it is their contagious attitudes and willingness to poke fun at themselves that has really seen them gain fans across the country.
“So many people, especially in the dance and electronic world, take themselves so seriously,” explains Hyde. “Even in their press shots and interviews and the way they talk and dress – it’s fucking stupid … We don’t give a fuck. We do stupid things all the time … You’ve just got to have fun with it and don’t think of music and playing shows as some sort of super serious job, because it’s all about having fun and giving these kids fun. We try and make it as loose and fun and wild as possible.”
Things don’t look like slowing down anytime soon for Peking Duk, with a tour of India coming up, plus a recent deal they signed with RCA Records in New York and Sony Australia which will see their music released in America. But first, Aussie audiences will get their chance to join in the fun with the boys going on a tour of the country.
“You can expect a sweaty fun time with lots of clothing off and lots of vodka being poured in the air,” declares Hyde.
When&Where: Beyond the Valley – December 30 – January 1
By Zach Broadhurst