In early 2021 Geelong scored its very own destination for some of the best damn pho going around with the opening of coastal institution Pholklore.
After a successful launch in the popular beachside town of Torquay, the owners have leaned on the old adage ‘if it aint broke don’t fix it’ with their newer location in Geelong West.
Pholklore Geelong takes its spot amongst the city’s cultural epicentre ‘Pako’ (Pakington Street, Geelong West), and is already the most popular diner on the strip.
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The new location emulates all of the elements of its Torquay predecessor, with the added bonus of being closer to Melbourne. An indoor but outdoor experience does much in contributing to the atmosphere of the place, which is paired with the OG blue shipping containers and informal seating.
Torquay’s vibrant Vietnamese restaurant Pholklore opens its doors in Geelong
Pholklore acknowledges that their food is not authentic, and it takes just a quick inspection of their menu for this to become apparent (with Pho fusion like Pho Mi Goreng and Pho Laksa). But, when food is crafted to such a high standard, in spite of its lacking ‘authenticity’, an itch for a South East Asian dining experience will be more than itched after a visit.
Normally this level of hustle and bustle, and surprising flavour combinations should be reserved for international exploration, but in this case Pholklore is the exception.
If you get the chance, pair your dinner with an original cocktail inspired by the menu. And if dinner’s not your thing, grab a banh-mi from 12pm weekdays.
Pholklore Geelong is located at the corner of Pakington St and Gordon Ave, Geelong West. Find out more here.