Bloc Party frontman Kele Okereke is heading our way for a solo tour, and in very cool news he is landing in ‘In the Loop’ territory. The tour supports his second album, Trick, released towards the end of last year. Recorded in London and New York the album, the follow-up to 2010’s The Boxer, saw Kele dive headfirst into electronic music, scoring a good chunk of warm press in the process. Speaking with online pop culture magazine PopMatters, Kele gave an insight into the albums new territory: “I started making the album in 2012 while still touring with Bloc Party for Four and having space to work on something so different to what I was doing everyday was a nice kind of counterbalance to me, sonically the opposite of what I was doing at the time … Making this record gave me more confidence to sing in a lower register. With Bloc Party’s music being so high energy and high strung, my vocals reflected that, so singing in a lower register or a gentler, more masculine tone was something I’d not really done so much.” The majority of Trick’s songs were written at home on an electric piano. The Karova, Ballarat – March 19.