As human beings we’re all a little curious at how others see the world. Saabira Razac is no different, and part of the reason behind creating her art is to play with how we see shapes and images.
“Sometimes I find that art gives you too much but if your eyes can draw that line without it being there, that to me says something else,” she says.
“[My work is] a highly representational figure done in a more abstract way. So giving you a little bit of information but you know exactly what you’re looking at as soon as you see it. It is a lot more difficult to get that out of you but that’s what I aspire to.”
Looking at each artwork it really makes you wonder what Saabira sees when she looks at the world. Using strong line work, shading and blocks of colour isn’t something that she came by recently, and has been a habit from her early days in art.
“I guess it was just the way I saw how things were. I liked shadows and highlights and doing it in a very minimalist way so you can get as much information with little detail,” she says.
A recent trip to the Powerhouse opened up a new opportunity for Saabira, and a new type of displaying her art.
“I went on Australia Day and I was just entranced with how much beautiful work was there,” she says.
“You can tell that the artists aren’t just run of the mill or off the street – they want to show something, there is meaning behind everything.”
By the end of the visit she’d been in contact with the owner and soon after booked a time and a space in the old building to call her own.
Now a few months later, a 7ft figure takes up a concrete column in the middle of one of the open spaces. Coloured with salmon and fleshy tones, the imposing woman lies folded over herself reaching for the floor, hair a mess.
“I’ve never personally seen myself as a street artist – I’ve never really done that kind of work. But when you see something that is definitely constructive and great you have to stand and appreciate that,” Saabira says.
While there’s a sense of achievement in creating something new, Saabira gains her own joy from her art classes in which she teaches new art techniques to those who may have previously had none.
“I think in a way it’s helping them break out of their comfort zones,” she says.
“It builds their confidence as well because they start coming to you with ideas and saying, ‘I saw this and it looks really cool, can we do this?’”
Saabira’s art classes run once a week for four weeks with a different art technique covered over each course. To book or for more information email [email protected]. To simply view her work for purchase or curiosity visit
Written by Amanda Sherring