New year, new me: The Grimwoods present $40 Beauty Queen, the newest instalment in their series of singles.

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New year, new me: The Grimwoods present $40 Beauty Queen, the newest instalment in their series of singles.

words by staff writer

Geelong's enigmatic lofi-punk miscreants The Grimwoods share yet another stunning collection of moody, confessional alt rock.

The lead single threads the needle with disparate influences like The Beach Boys, Weezer and The Strokes culminating in a lean power pop tune. An orchestra of edgy guitars and angular drums supplement this sweetly sardonic gem.

The Grimwoods

  • When: Saturday 15 February, 6.30pm
  • Where: Barwon Club, Geelong
  • Grab your tix here

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“$40 Beauty Queen alludes to generational cycles of substance abuse” says Liam Brennan, songwriter and band leader for The Grimwoods.

“It’s probably my favourite track from our doomed COVID record, it even has the albums working title in the lyrics – Look Out World I’m Getting Bored. Of all the songs we’ve released over the last eight months this is kind of the mission statement, it’s the peak of that original vision, or rather inspiration.. for our first collection of songs.”

B-Side ‘Meet In The Dark’ is a politically charged rebel anthem. Outlaw cowboy cheese pervaded by a lead-footed stomp and a wild energy. The final song ‘I Do The Same Thing Everyday’ is gut-punching for the complete opposite reason.

“I really think the themes of these songs will connect with where people are at right now. There’s a thread of loneliness, dissatisfaction with the world and escapism that connects them and feels very current. That doom and gloom feels really present in the world. These songs are pretty old so they’re certainly not directly about current events but I feel the spirit in which they were conceived is unfortunately super relevant.”

The Grimwoods most recent series of singles herald from an album recorded in 2019 which, until now, has remained unreleased.

On 15 February the band will headline a hometown show ‘BC Beauty Queens’ at the Barwon Club supported by Creature Fear, Daisy Kilbourne and the Chains and Something Krook.

‘$40 Beauty Queen’, ‘Meet in the Dark’ and ‘I Do The Same Thing Everyday’ available on all platforms 7 February.

So, beauty queens,  don your best dive bar attire (ripped fishnets, leather, and denim encouraged) and get ready to cheer on your favorite contestants!