Mountain to Mouth 2016

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Mountain to Mouth 2016

Geelong after Dark returns next month, a night in which Geelong’s CBD will be treated to a program of unique and surprising works and pop-up performances. Leading up to this is an equally wonderful and unique event in Mountain to Mouth, an 80km extreme arts journey of discovery over two days and eleven stages.

Beginning at the You Yangs mountain range, M~M crosses Geelong’s industrial heartland at nightfall, arriving in the city centre for Geelong after Dark celebrations. Along the way, participants will be able to enjoy various artworks commissioned especially for the event.

Walkers have the choice between 3km, 12km and 80km distances. From the website: “M~M was envisaged as a contemporary songline in consultation with traditional owners and advisors. M~M acknowledges with gratitude the ongoing goodwill and contribution of the elders and ancestors, in particular, the guidance of Uncle Bryon Powell and Uncle David Tournier. We encourage all walkers to pay their respects as they follow in the footsteps of those who first walked this land … Songlines have been used by indigenous cultures across Australia for thousands of years to navigate country. The paths of the songlines are recorded in traditional songs, stories, dance, and paintings.”

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